90. Leading AF: Forging a Path for Asian Entrepreneurs to Break the Bamboo Ceiling | with Julie Tran

Julie Tran is an entrepreneur on a mission to break the bamboo ceiling — and help other Asian women do the same. Julie is the founder of Leading AF, a community that develops driven Asian Females (AFs) into future leaders by dismantling deep cultural conditioning. This is done through coaching, live events, and sisterhood! 

She is a retired corporate executive in the commercial real...

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89. Stop Assuming, Stop Avoiding, & Start Asking

A few weeks ago, I invited all of you to text me your questions (917-540-5782). I’ve been trying to reply to all of your questions directly via text, and in this episode, I want to address one in particular:

As a leader, how can I connect better with my team?

I love this question. I am all about deep connection, and the first step to nurturing those important connections is realizing...

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88. Awaken to What’s Possible & Step into Who You’re Meant to Be | with Joanna Vargas

Joanna Vargas started her entrepreneurial journey when she was eleven years old. ELEVEN. And all the while, she was being told she was crazy. Even after she had graduated from college and started a dance studio, her parents told her she was crazy.

But Joanna wasn’t crazy when she was 11, she wasn’t crazy when she was 24, and she isn’t crazy now. This girl is just ridiculously...

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87. Managing Through Grief & Building Deeper Connections

I’ve been trying to figure out how to have a dialogue about what’s happening in the world today. There are a lot of discussions being had about police violence and racial justice — and you should absolutely seek those out and educate yourself if you have not lived through that experience — but I think I can better serve you by starting a discussion about grief and...

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86. How to (Re)Find Yourself | with Johnny Elsasser

Jonathan Elsasser’s story truly embodies the principles of Strategic Life Planning that we’ve been covering since episode 79, and I wanted to share it with all of you to paint a picture of what it looks like for someone to identify a specific goal they want to achieve, pivot, create a plan of action, and then execute at the highest level.

Coming home after serving as a special...

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85. How to Jump Into Aligned Action

Do you ever find yourself asking things like: I know what I want, but how do I go about getting it? How do I jump into action? What does ‘action’ really mean? How do I quantify my vision into a goal?

I hear this from my clients all the time, and I have had these questions at various points in my life, too. So, in this episode, I’m going to walk you through another one of the...

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84. Creating Your Exceptional Life | with Tiffany Carter

You only have to read the first line of our guest’s bio to see why we were like long-lost soul sisters reunited the very first time we met: “Tiffany Carter takes the mystery out of making BIG money while doing something you love.”

I love that so much, but it only gets better. This multi-millionaire entrepreneur went from a life of self-destruction to success, from abuse to...

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83. Get Clear & Step Into Aligned Action

Clarity wins. Always.

So, whenever I’m in overwhelm, whenever I’m sitting in a reactionary space, I have to get super clear on what’s going on with me and what it is that I truly want — and, to be completely honest, that’s been happening a lot lately.

This just goes to show: even if you’ve been walking the path of self-mastery for years, for decades, you...

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82. How to Design Your Ideal Day

Over the last few episodes, we’ve been going through exercises outlined in the Strategic Life Planning Mastery Workbook. In episode 79, you took your first step towards aligned living. Then you identified the things you really want in life, put a BIG dream down on paper, and identified your personal zone of genius. Today, we’re going to zoom in and figure out what your ideal day...

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81. Let's Define Your Zone of Genius Today!

In episode 80 on Your Badass Journey Podcast, I asked you to dream as big as possible about your future and walked you through an exercise designed to help you identify your goals then prioritize them.

In this episode, you’re going to learn how to step into action on a path that is aligned with your highest-priority goals.

And we aren’t just talking about the goals for your...

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