157. 3 S's to Up-Level Your Career

In my interview with Michelle Johnson, she asked how she can get out of the weeds in her business. She had to quickly pivot to building a new revenue stream when live events all but disappeared during the pandemic. But now she’s wondering how she can continue to sustain and scale that revenue while also going back to the things she loves.

Let’s dive into the framework that will...

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156. The Power in the Pivot | with Michelle Johnson

Michelle Johnson is the CEO and founder of the Anchor Group, which specializes in full-service meeting and event management. 

As you can probably guess, hospitality and live event management are some of the industries hit hardest during the coronavirus pandemic. But Michelle managed to keep her business going through strategic pivoting. Through her story, she’s going to help you...

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155. Navigating Trauma in the Present Past

When we deal with trauma at a young age, it often shows up throughout our lives in ways we can’t immediately recognize. 

In our last episode with Natasha Dewhirst, she asked about how to translate what she’s trying to offer to attract her ideal clients. This question ended up leading to a discussion of how to manage through trauma and having consciousness around where trauma...

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154. Healing from Trauma, Leaning into Fulfillment | with Natasha C Dewhirst

Natasha Dewhirst is an advanced rapid transformational therapist, clinical hypnotherapist, and ILM-accredited wellbeing coach specializing in burnout prevention. She loves to assist women in checking in with themselves as they try to take on the world.

Through her own burnout journey, Natasha ended up in a wheelchair for nearly three years — until she began to do the inner work, solve...

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153. Discipline Is the Best Example of Love | with Amy Ledin

I talk about the five pillars of my life all the time: Health, mental wellness, career, financial wellness, and relationships. When I think about how to show love in health, one person in particular comes to mind...

Amy Ledin is someone who inspires me daily. She shows up every day like a badass, stays on top of her health (and has fun doing it!), and is so open about sharing all of the...

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152. Caring vs. Canceling - Number 1 Leadership Principle

In John Maxwell’s “The 360 Degree Leader,” he shares a concept called the leadership loop. This concept helps you build your leadership principles and practice so that you are evolving yourself and empowering your team. There are seven principles involved in the loop, and the number one principle is caring.

Caring is a huge part of how I show up as a leader, a coach, and in...

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151. How to Love on Your Team | with Jackie Serviss

Jackie Serviss is my soul partner in life and in business. We combined forces to launch Clevr Services last year and I just love working with her.

Jackie has been brought up in different corporate and executives roles, with a focus on performance and people management. She evolved into an amazing corporate leadership coach who not only helps C-suite executives reach their potential in their...

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150. Finding Your Soulmate Clients

Love is one of my core values, and I try to lean into it in everything that I am. But how do you put a love energy into your business without being too woo-woo or crossing a boundary with it?

So much of our business life is treated as if it has to be professional, unemotional, and detached. But that doesn’t contribute to a loving energy, and it doesn’t allow you to stand in who you...

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149. Focusing on Reciprocity | with Collette Gee

How do we create a better connection when our whole world has gone virtual?

Collette Gee is a dating and relationship specialist, author, and the founder of Finding Happily, a relationship coaching and training platform. 

She talks not only about her own love journey but how we can each do better to reignite our relationships and nurture connections with others during this difficult time....

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148. Best Time Management Tools

I have had an interesting start to the year. There have been a number of distractions that popped up, but they haven’t been all bad. They have forced me to leverage my time intentionally, in a way that allows me to integrate all of the things that matter to me.

This made me realize that the topic of time management is something that we could all benefit from. When you are feeling the...

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