119. How to Navigate Office Politics | with Bhavna Dalal

Bhavna Dalal is the founder and CEO of Talent Power Partners, a leadership development consulting company—and she's highly aligned with the work I do in my own consulting and coaching practice. She’s an executive master coach, best-selling author, speaker, electronics engineer, and MBA. She does it all.

In her new book, “Checkmate Office Politics,” she confronts...

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118. Business Mindset for Service-Based Businesses

I’ve been working with several health and wellness practices lately and I’ve noticed a common thread that’s holding people back from building the wealth they want and deserve: When you come up through an education system that is all about the care for your clients and customers, you may not be exposed to what a business structure meant to drive in your ideal clients looks...

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117. Your Health is Your Wealth | with Rob Lininger

In order to function at the highest level in any area of our life, we must first get our health in order. Rob Lininger has been focused on the medical field for quite some time, and he has an intense desire to help others. Leveraging his medical background and current entrepreneurial expertise, he’s focusing on the cutting edge of research in nutrition, fitness, mindset, sleep, and human...

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116. Accountability is everything

Sometimes when the seasons change, or you just realize you’ve been hyper-focused on one area of your life, you can start to feel really heavy, like you’re not enough. How do we move from believing we should be better to finding the methods that fill us up enough to do better?

You probably already know the things you could be doing, and that’s what makes it so easy to start...

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115. The power of failure

Let’s talk about failure. Are you holding on to something that you consider a failure, when you could just shift your language and turn it into a powerful lesson to take forward?

I don’t believe in failure — there are only lessons learned. I’m in a continuous testing cycle. In order to continuously improve the quality of what you put out into the world, you need to keep...

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114. Increasing Engagement Requires Direction

When you have eyes on your business, how do you turn those interests into engagement that converts them into a client or community member?

There is always a moment when someone discovers you for the first time. They have to decide whether they’re going to engage with you, whether that’s a follow, a comment, or even purchasing a product or service. So many people miss their...

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113. Partnership and Pilates | with Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell

When partners in life become partners in business, it can go really well... or it can go very, very wrong. You need to combine your expertise, create something that’s sustainable for both of you, and enjoy what you do. Easy, right?

Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell share the journey of how they met—which is so fun—and how they came to the decision to do business together....

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112. How to Build Deeper Connections


We are being inundated with virtual connections right now—Zoom calls, emails, and social media—and it feels as if we are losing the real value of connection. So, how do we focus on building deeper connections in a digital world?

Building meaningful connections is about quality over quantity—it takes time, whether digitally or in person, and you will want to build a...

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111. How to Stay Creative & Pivot Your Business & Life | with Bryce Wilson


We’ve all been experiencing a lot of change and upheaval in the world due to COVID-19, and today’s guest is an extreme example of that. When it became clear that live events were going to be canceled for the foreseeable future, Bryan Wilson had to pivot his ticket resale business, Ticket Rescue—and decided to pivot his lifestyle as well.

Bryce is the 24-year-old CEO...

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How to generate 6-7 figures in the middle of a pandemic

Navigating how to sustain your clientele, providing services that meet their needs, and pivoting when you are struck with a global pandemic, is not for the weary entrepreneur who has been running their business like a hobby vs. a business.

It takes resourceful and thoughtful action to sustain what you are known for and scale your business during this time. Last year I kicked off my first...

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