Navigating Growth: Leveraging the 90/10 Rule of Personal Evolution in Entrepreneurship

Let's take a moment and reflect on your business success. Have you ever considered that the key to unlocking your business's potential lies not just in the strategies you employ but in your personal growth journey? 

I say this so often to my clients and network of entrepreneurs:

The growth of your business is 100% a reflection of your personal growth. If you are not growing, it won't.


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How to Find The Best Business Coach for You

Finding the right business coach can be crucial to your success as a business owner, but with so many coaches out there, how do you know if you've found the right one? Here are some tips to help you qualify if a business coach is the right fit for you:

  1. Check their experience and credentials: Look for a coach who has experience in your industry and has a proven track record of helping...
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The Magic of Discernment

One of the core powers to evolving your business is mastering the skill of discernment. It can help you pivot with your team, accelerate your growth, and attract the ideal clients with greater ease. In a fast-paced and ever-changing landscape, the ability to distinguish between what is important and what is not can be the difference between success and failure. The magic of discernment in...

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Level Up Your Personal Growth and Leverage Version Control Principles

Personal growth is part of evolution, especially if you want to lead others. Most want to become better versions of themselves and reach their full potential. While there are many strategies and methodologies for personal growth, one surprising source of inspiration I have leaned into is software version control, which I learned in my 20’s working for a Financial Software Company, and...

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Benefits of Raising Trust at Work

Recently attended Matthew McConaughey’s Art of Living Live Event with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, and McConaughey asked, “Can we trust each other 5% more than we do right now, imagine what that could create for our society.” It made me want to dig into the benefits of raising trust at work. With all the apathy in the workplace, it made me want to share my findings...

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How To Optimize Your Vision and Lead Your Business

As a proponent for delivering high-quality products and services, the importance of clarity on your vision is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to leading your business with ease. In order to build a business that has longevity, sustainability, and scalability, your vision must be clear, of course. But it also must be nimble in responding to market and client demands in order to...

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Does Your Individuality in Leadership Style Help or Hinder Your Career Growth Potential?

Do you dream of advancing as a leader so you can help both yourself and your team achieve more? Do you wonder whether your individuality of leadership style will help or hinder this? If you are starting to feel frustrated or stale in your current position, the answer to these questions is YES!

Each of us has different influences, training, education, and lessons learned. When we’re trying...

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Leveraging the Power of Self-Awareness in Leadership

What makes a good leader? There are many things on that list: competence, knowledge, vision, ability to delegate, passion. I could go on. But of all the skills an executive needs to lead a business successfully, self-awareness is at the top of that list.

Why? Because leaders who understand their own emotions, personality, strengths, and weaknesses can engage employees and customers more...

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What Value Exchange Leadership Means to Your Success

Do you ever wonder how you can improve your leadership? How you can approach leading with creativity rather by reacting?

Leading a team of people should be a fulfilling and inspiring experience but if you’re finding it challenging, there is an easier way.  In Value Exchange Leadership™, I’ve developed a simple practice to ensure each interaction you have as a leader is...

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Don't just think about it, ask for it.

I love sharing strategies on how to ask for what you really want! It took me years to find my voice, self-worth, and ability to ask for what I want. I know I am not alone with the discomfort around asking for what you really want and standing in the nerve wrecking moment right before the answer comes back to you, praying it's a YES!, and trying to keep your composure for the possible No. What I...

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