110. How Do You Authentically Scale Your Business?

What do you need to do to authentically scale your business? What does scaling even mean, and how do we dive into it?

In our last episode, Lindsey Schwartz had that exact question. She’s building an amazing brand and community and is currently on the cusp of some massive growth—but she needed help figuring out what that growth is going to look like and how to be intentional with...

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109. Amazing Things Lie on the Other Side of Doubt | with Lindsey Schwartz

The first time you do something you’ve never done before, it’s going to feel impossible—but there’s a first time for everything.

Lindsey Schwartz is an entrepreneur, top podcast host, and best-selling author. As a sought-after speaker, Lindsey travels around the world inspiring women to get out of their own way and into action around their big ideas, helping them create...

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108. How to Align Your Message to Your Clientsā€™ Needs

As a business owner, your job is to solve a problem. So how do you bring more awareness to the problem you can solve, and bring clarity to your message?

Some people don’t recognize the problem they have until it’s too late. If your job is to solve that problem proactively, it can be hard to communicate a sense of urgency. Let’s discuss how to convince your potential clients...

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107. The Future of Work is Now with Elatia Abate


Elatia Abate is dedicating her time, energy, career, and business to helping companies and individuals find fulfillment in what they do and the businesses that they are building. She’s an entrepreneur, future-forward strategist, and creator of The Future of Now. She partners with organizations ranging from early range startups to Fortune 500 companies to help leaders make sense of...

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106. Kareen, How Do I Set My pricing?

I recently gave a talk about relationship coaching for entrepreneurs that centered around how to price your products and services. I shared the strategy I use, as well as the lessons I learned from building my own practice, being a consultant, figuring out how to sell my services, figuring out how to sell the expertise of others in my business, and more. If you’re a solopreneur or an...

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105. Turn Your Expertise into Impact | with Jim Carter


 For over two decades, Jim Carter's passion for technology has shined through projects of all sizes and industries. But as Jim and his family grew, he found that life began to get the best of him: he had lost sight of the values he held onto in childhood, and he eventually realized that what he was doing wasn’t working for him anymore. He had to pivot to create a life of...

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104. Your fear can be your fuel, let's face it together.

Facing your fears can actually fuel you to step into the life you want to have.

In the last episode with Alex Street, he shared a question that came down to breaking down some fears he had from an incident in his past that he had yet to work through—and he is not the only one who is being tripped up this way. Let’s work through how you can take what is holding you back and burn it...

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103. How your story gets you on stage | with Alex Street

We’re so inundated with a digital world of things talking at us that it’s been harder to communicate and find our own words offline.

 That’s where Alex comes in. Alex Street is a story-focused speaker coach helping you share your story and connect with your audience—something that is so critical right now. He assists others in finding their story and sharing it...

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102. Kareen, how do I know when to hire?

As an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or small business owner, how do you know when to start hiring—and what do you outsource first?

This is the question Julia Broglie of Broglie Box had for me at the end of Ep. 101, and it’s an awesome question because it’s something every entrepreneur comes up against at some point: Not wanting to do everything in their business but feeling like...

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101. How to Navigate Mental Health Care | with Julia Broglie

There is a strong need for more assistance in the field of mental health and wellness.

That’s why, after experiencing her own mental health challenges as a young adult and losing her older brother to suicide, Julia Broglie was inspired to imagine a new way to support and connect with those suffering from mental health challenges: The Broglie Box, which is both a great way to gift support...

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