Does Your Individuality in Leadership Style Help or Hinder Your Career Growth Potential?

Do you dream of advancing as a leader so you can help both yourself and your team achieve more? Do you wonder whether your individuality of leadership style will help or hinder this? If you are starting to feel frustrated or stale in your current position, the answer to these questions is YES!

Each of us has different influences, training, education, and lessons learned. When we’re trying...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie is a woman on a mission to change the way women view their health. She is the Founder and creator of the 12-Week Female Fat Solution Challenge and the author of the bestselling book The Female Fat Solution. Dr. Westie travels the country educating and empowering women to take their health into their own hands, using nutrition and information about their natural...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Leslie Lee

Leslie Lee is a Master Creator, RN, Beauty Guru, and Serial Entrepreneur – as well as an imperfect mother of four, wife, and recovering control freak.

Leslie’s newest venture is Aesthetic Creator, a for-purpose business that’s all about making a bigger impact on the world of beauty and self-empowerment. They are raising the bar in the aesthetic industry, leading to happier...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Stefanos Sifandos

Stefanos Sifandos facilitates transformational growth through neuro-empowerment practices, an integration of spiritual praxis and western psychology to improve and enhance the quality of your relationships. Stefanos believes that intimate relationships and sacredness in union is a direct path to enlightenment and freedom.

Immersed in deep men’s empowerment work and intimate...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Tara Romano

Tara Romano is a serial entrepreneur, performer, teacher, personal development junkie, and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping others unleash and let go so that they can become the best version of themselves.

Whether it’s hosting Tone & Tease masterclasses around the world, speaking at conferences, or confessing the struggles of her love for carbo loaded temptations on an IG...

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Leveraging the Power of Self-Awareness in Leadership

What makes a good leader? There are many things on that list: competence, knowledge, vision, ability to delegate, passion. I could go on. But of all the skills an executive needs to lead a business successfully, self-awareness is at the top of that list.

Why? Because leaders who understand their own emotions, personality, strengths, and weaknesses can engage employees and customers more...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Lori Lefcourt

Lori Lefcourt is the founder of Unicreamer, which creates on-the-go protein packets filled with healthy fats. They use the highest quality MCT oil and plant protein you can source, and they don't use any animal products so it’s vegan and dairy-free. It’s actually the only creamer on the market that doesn't have sugar or additives whatsoever!

But Lori didn’t always see herself...

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What Value Exchange Leadership Means to Your Success

Do you ever wonder how you can improve your leadership? How you can approach leading with creativity rather by reacting?

Leading a team of people should be a fulfilling and inspiring experience but if you’re finding it challenging, there is an easier way.  In Value Exchange Leadership™, I’ve developed a simple practice to ensure each interaction you have as a leader is...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Joel Greengrass

Today, I have an amazing guest who has not only maintained and transformed his own health, but is now giving what he learned back to the community.

Joel Greengrass is the CEO of Theramu, the world's most effective CBD wellness and skincare products. Prior to joining Theramu, Joel was a Talent & Operations Executive at FanDuel, BuzzFeed, Equinox Fitness, and ideeli.

Joel is also an MS...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Kelly Resendez

Kelly Resendez is the Founder of BigVoices Rise, the author of Big Voices: An Invitation To Women To Awaken, Increase Joy, Reduce Suffering And Think Differently, and the badass EVP at Paramount Partners Group.

Kelly is all about empowering people to make great decisions in order to build a fulfilled life – So, I had to have her on the show because we have such amazing alignment!


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