100. Celebrating the 100th Episode

I’m so excited to be crossing the threshold into three-digit episodes because it means that represents so much value, connection, and growth over the last two years. Today I want to share the journey of creating and producing this podcast, where it started, and where I want to take it next.

In celebration of this milestone, if encourage you to snap a picture of you listening to this...

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99. How to Build a Life You Obsess Over! | with Lindsey Mango

Are you obsessed with your life? In this turbulent time that we’ve been in, it is so, so important to focus on what you’re obsessed with, what fills you up, and what gets you to jump out of bed. It is critical for leveraging every moment that you have in front of you.

I know that it doesn’t come naturally to most of us — it takes work. But Lindsey Mango is here to...

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98. From Trauma to Intuitive Entrepreneur | with Cassandra Shuck

We’ve all dealt with traumas in our life at some point—but what you might not realize is how those traumas are holding you back even today.

Cassandra has been a serial entrepreneur from a very young age, when she cultivated the belief that she had to be self-sufficient to succeed. This mindset helped her to escape from a turbulent, abusive upbringing. Her entrepreneurial endeavors...

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97. How to Plan Your Staycation!

With everything that’s going on in the world today, isolation and uncertainty can begin to take a toll. I’ve sensed a different type of exhaustion lately, and if my self-care routine isn’t refueling me or if I’m neglecting my need to serve others, then I am truly good to no one.

So, I’ve blocked off the week as my “staycation” week. Under normal...

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96. From Freelance to True Business Builder | with Lisa Cumes

If you are a freelancer — or if you dream of one day quitting your day job to start your own business — this episode is a must.

Lisa Cumes has gone on a journey that a lot of people dream of: she quit her day job, started working for herself, got so many clients that she had to start hiring, and now runs a six-figure online copywriting business called Simple Story Solutions.


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95. First Step to Landing Your Ideal Job

There are a lot of people in transition right now, both by choice and by circumstance. That can be really scary, but it can also be an opportunity to pivot and position yourself towards something even better.

That positioning is really important, too! I see a lot of resumes, and I can tell you that most people aren’t positioning themselves very well. So, if you’re trying to figure...

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94. How to Find Aligned Partnerships | with Sandy Vo & Melissa Martin of Ladies Aligned

Chocolate and peanut butter, intention and manifestation, Sandy Vo and Melissa Martin: just a few great tastes that taste great when aligned together.

These two really do make a great pair, too, as co-founders of Ladies Aligned. Sandy is a modern-day spiritual teacher, conscious branding business strategist, and the host of PROSPEROUS. Melissa is an abundance coach, wealth mindset expert, and...

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93. Personal Version Control: Is The Best Version of You Showing Up?

In the first half of 2020 (that’s right, we’re only halfway through), just about everyone around the world had their lives disrupted to some degree. As a result, people had to create new habits and routines.

Now, as we start the second half of the year, I want you to take a moment and reflect on how you’ve been showing up over the last few months. Have you been showing up as...

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92. How to Build Up Your Confidence & Find Your Awesome | with Kelsey Abbott

Kelsey Abbott is a Confidence Coach, an Instigator of Joy, and the host of Find Your Awesome. She helps spiritual adventurers remember who they are and why they’re here so that they can uplevel with ease.

In episode 91, I talked about the concept of Woundology and why you need to master yourself before you can make the impact you want to see in the world, and this episode really builds...

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91. Woundology: Where Do Your Decisions Stem From?

At my lowest points, I felt stuck. I was living in pain, and my cup was so empty that I couldn’t offer anything to anyone else. It took a lot of self-love, self-mastery, and support to climb out of that hole. And I was recently excited to stumble upon a name for that phenomenon in “Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing” by Caroline Myss.

In the book,...

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