129. Only You Can Define Your Self-Worth

It’s common for entrepreneurs—and anyone really—to struggle with doubt about self-worth.

In my own story, I was very career and money-driven; I saw money as freedom. Based on my earnings, I would find ways to invest in myself, and the more I did that, the more I saw an increase in my self-worth.

How can you, on a personal level and a business level, find a way to measure the...

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128. Learn How to Inject Joy Into Your Day! | with Elana Boulos and Katherine Wilkinson

What happens when creative people in the prime of their careers get halted by a global pandemic? They get creative!

Elana Boulos and Katherine Wilkinson are the incredible founders of Camp Joy, a startup they founded in the midst of the pandemic. They took the skillsets they have built up and applied them into a whole new arena to benefit others and bring joy to their lives every single day.


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127. My Top Tips for Resilience Through Adversity & Preparing for the 2020 Election

As the election approaches here in the United States, it’s important to remain resilient. We’ve been struggling through a lack of leadership that aligns with our value systems, and that is why there is so much strife and challenge currently. It’s difficult to feel grounded and trust in our leadership when it’s so out of alignment with who we are.

So how do we actually...

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126. How to be An Effective and Efficient Leader

How do you make the decision of whether to delegate tasks or take them on yourself?

When Dr. Nell Smircina was on the show, she discussed how she’s striving to be a more efficient leader as she grows her company and brings on more team members. This is not an easy skill to learn, especially when you’re used to doing everything in your business.

So, let’s dive deeper into...

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125. Dr. Nell Smircina's Approach to Acupuncture and Integrative Health

Some of you might be holding off on finding the best practitioner or team to give you the health support you need… but it is essential in order for any high performer to stay on top of their game.

Dr. Nell Smircina is the founder of PIQUE Health in Beverly Hills, and I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with Dr. Nell in her business and helping her grow. She specializes in...

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124. Clevr Leadership Talk with Jackie Serviss

Back in April, Jackie Serviss and I did a leadership talk series to support leaders across all fields in navigating uncertainty and running a business during a pandemic. We’re bringing these talks back starting October 21st and will continue to do monthly talks to support you in your businesses. We’re calling these Resilient Together, and you can join us by going to ...

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123. What's Your Career Strategy? | with Emily Eliza Moyer

Don’t we all wish we could be doing the work we love? Emily Eliza Moyer is an intuitive career strategist and healer focused on helping ambitious women overcome limiting beliefs, uncover their purpose, and craft strategic career plans so they can build careers they absolutely love. She previously served as the head of sales and marketing for a travel startup, and then 2020 happened. She...

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122. Be Uncompromising and Live Aligned

When you’re saying yes to too many things, you begin to compromise on your values and priorities. But how do you manage the balance of wanting to be true to yourself while remaining open to new experiences?

My goal this year was to remain uncompromised: Not saying yes to the wrong things for the wrong reasons, and only saying yes to the things that fuel me up. But it can be hard to find...

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121. How Feng Shui Can Help You Build a Happier Home with Patricia Lohan

Patricia Lohan is a master of Feng Shui, the creator of Feng Shui Mastery, and the author of “The Happy Home: A Guide To Creating A Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life.” She’s helped thousands of people across the world embrace Feng Shui and create lasting changes in their homes, and she helps women make their homes an energy and money magnet. 

If you’re skeptical about...

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120. Coaching Session: Digital Branding Do's and Don'ts

In our last episode with Bhavna Dalal, she shared how she’s figuring out how to take her digital landscape and make sure that it aligns with her brand, her business, and her clients—and how to keep it all under control. This is something I’ve struggled with for years, and I still have a hard time delegating it to others.

Let’s dialogue on expanding your digital...

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