138. Tactics to Managing a Growth Spurt in Business

Are you in the process of assessing who you serve in your business and where you plan on going next, but you’re not sure how to approach it? When you are the service and product of your business, you are also growing alongside your business. This allows you to continually see opportunities to serve your clients better.

In my last episode with Stephanie Thoma, we talked about how to...

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137. Networking as an Introvert | with Stephanie Thoma

Stephanie Thoma is a Forbes-featured leadership & life coach, certified hypnotherapist, and the best-selling author of a transformational networking book, “Confident Introvert.” She has facilitated over 1,000 events and established a fulfilling career helping people generate meaningful connections with themselves and others that catapult them forward in their career and life.


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136. The Power of Optimized Time Management

How do you make sure you’re focusing on the right things and putting your time into the right activities?

It starts with getting clear on your priorities and then making sure that you are time blocking your calendar to make sure those priorities come first. So often our calendars fill up with other peoples’ obligations before our own, which leaves us less time for the things we...

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135. Do You Have an Exit Strategy?

Do you ever start something with an exit plan? Most people focus on building a business without ever thinking about how they will get out if they outgrow it or want to step into something new.

When you’re in the early stages of building a business, asking yourself the question about what exiting it looks like will help you define why you are in business in the first place, and what you...

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134. How to Build Nimble Operations in 2021

We were all handed an unexpected year and left to figure out how to deal with it. While nobody could have predicted what happened in 2020, there are ways to make sure your business is prepared for dips—and spikes—that will allow you to be nimble in your ability to create change in your business structure.

As a leader in your business, you need to figure out how your clients are...

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Becoming a Female Breadwinner

Who’s bringing home the vegan bacon in your house? ;) 

It’s a question I ask because I recently looked around at my inner circle of badass female friends and discovered that the women in each of these heterosexual couples were the breadwinners. Yes, they made more in their annual income than their male partners. Now, I know this is not common, especially with the variance of...

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133. Assessing 2020 - How to Approach 2021

2020 is coming to an end, and that gives us all the natural opportunity to reflect on the past year. Some of us are feeling the strain from hoping we’d be back to a sense of normal by now, but that’s not the case for most of us.

There were a lot of things that were out of our control this year, and there were several things that were in our control. The question is: Did you choose...

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132. You Can't Have Gratitude Without Forgiveness

If you’re here in the United States, now is the perfect time to focus on gratitude and what you’re thankful for. Wherever you are, it’s never a bad time to take stock of what you’re grateful for and sit in appreciation for what you have.

While taking time to be thankful for what you have in your life, it’s important to ask ourselves how we can learn to make...

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131. The Benefits of Working with a Life Coach | with Loree Bischoff

Does your life need a personal trainer? Loree Bischoff is a personal performance coach, certified in life coaching for over 12 years, who specializes in holistic nutrition and strategic intervention.

If you’re sitting in a struggle of trying to navigate the difficult times we’re facing right now, life coaching is the best way to leverage your time and figure out your next best move...

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130. Getting Resourceful with Lizy Hoeffer

Lizy Hoeffer is one of the top loan officers in the nation. She’s had to build her career from practically nothing, and then had to rebuild it again a few years back after she lost her job.

Lizy didn’t come from a family of education or wealth. Instead, she relied on her resourcefulness to get to the next step. And today, she shares her thoughts on family and relationships, and how...

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