115. The power of failure

Let’s talk about failure. Are you holding on to something that you consider a failure, when you could just shift your language and turn it into a powerful lesson to take forward?

I don’t believe in failure — there are only lessons learned. I’m in a continuous testing cycle. In order to continuously improve the quality of what you put out into the world, you need to keep trying new things, tweaking it, testing it, delivering it, and learning over and over again.

For many years, I put more weight into feeling like a failure instead of what I could learn from it, and that showed in my mindset. We’re going to discuss how you can learn to change your definition of failure, how to view it as a positive, and how to use it as an accelerator for your business.

How to Redefine Failure and Tap Into Its Power

  • Ask yourself where you learned the model of failure from. Who taught you what defines a failure, or that failure is a negative? Is that truly your own belief?
  • As an adult, it is up to us to define failure for ourselves. We get to decide what value we put on our test cycle and learn from it.
  • In order to create the life, business, and relationships that we want to have, we need to dive into what our true definition of success is. We do that by understanding what our personal Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are.
  • KPIs help a business measure how well a product is performing when it is released, what tweaks they need to make, what moves the needle, and what needs to be changed the next time around.
  • The best way to find your personal KPIs is to align them with your core values. When you know those values, you can easily map your KPIs to track your progress against them.

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