Your Badass Journey Guest, Marlo Ellis

Marlo Ellis is one badass you all need to know. Marlo is the creator The Uncommon Woman movement, and she just started her first leg of The Uncommon Woman Cross Country Tour. The tour is September 29th - October 20th, and they’ll be hitting four Canadian cities: Toronto, Calgary, Thunder Bay, and Vancouver.

Marlo first had the idea for The Uncommon Woman movement and tour three years ago,...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Jen Meehan

Jen Meehan is one of the most compassionate coaches I know in the business. I wanted to bring her on the show because has been on an epic journey to figuring out how to bring her own personal impact into the world.

One of the things that Jen and I have in common is that we do what I like to call “personal version control.” The idea is that you’re always becoming a new version...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Al Cavalieri

Al Cavalieri is the Head of Marketing at a CION Investments in NYC. Having been in the marketing space for the better half of a decade and as a former college athlete, Al is super passionate about storytelling, organizational intricacies, what makes the best-of-the-best successful, and the value of hard work.

He's learned that you get out what you put in and in order to succeed, meaning you...

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Am I an Impostor?

Seriously,  the impostor syndrome is real for anyone embarking on something new. It’s even defined in the dictionary as follows:

Impostor Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

Of course, people feel this way, especially when some are coached to follow the...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Kimberly Alexander

The training and development that occurs in organizations of all sizes are often, well, lacking. After experiencing this development deficit firsthand, our guest Kimberly Alexander created a framework she called The Results Map – and it was so effective that she started a company to teach this framework to others.

Using The Results Map, and also The Grow Grid, Kimberly empowers her...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Aimeelene Gaspar

It is so unique to find leaders that go out of their way to make sure that their team shines (without neglecting their clients, of course), but that is precisely the kind of badass leader Aimeelene Gaspar is.

Aimeelene has been working as a product manager in a variety of Financial Technology startups as long as I’ve known her, but now she’s taking all of that experience and...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Connie Steele

Connie Steele established the consulting company Flywheel Associates, launched the awesome Strategic Momentum podcast, and still manages to integrate her work life with her family – and she does it all with a grace and an openness parallelled by few.

Connie and I have known each other as friends and colleagues for many years and I just had to have her on the podcast because, well, her...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, SinƩad Condon

Listening or watching this episode with Sinéad, you will not only fall in love with her accent, but see how her energy is so contagious! She and I met when we became Integral Agile Wizards and instantly bonded during the 5 day bootcamp in Petaluma , CA offered by The Agile Coaching Institute. It is such an honor to be a part of.

Sinéad Condon launched her first company at 18...

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Building Deeper Connections

As I share these amazing conversations I have had on my podcast, I am in awe of these women I have interviewed so far. They are all coming into their own and sharing so much of themselves in what they do and aiming for alignment and authenticity in everything they do, I am honored to be a part of their badass journey. One topic that has come up in a few of the conversations excites me to share...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Marcie Tucker

In Episode 2, you get to meet Marcie Tucker, CEO & Founder of 99Agree, a pioneer and recognized expert in roommate relationship research and effective strategies for healthy relationships, and she has a lot of really exciting insight to share today – plus, a pretty badass journey from academia to tech entrepreneurship!

Not only will you learn about creating this unique company and...

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