84. Creating Your Exceptional Life | with Tiffany Carter

You only have to read the first line of our guest’s bio to see why we were like long-lost soul sisters reunited the very first time we met: “Tiffany Carter takes the mystery out of making BIG money while doing something you love.”

I love that so much, but it only gets better. This multi-millionaire entrepreneur went from a life of self-destruction to success, from abuse to...

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83. Get Clear & Step Into Aligned Action

Clarity wins. Always.

So, whenever I’m in overwhelm, whenever I’m sitting in a reactionary space, I have to get super clear on what’s going on with me and what it is that I truly want — and, to be completely honest, that’s been happening a lot lately.

This just goes to show: even if you’ve been walking the path of self-mastery for years, for decades, you...

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82. How to Design Your Ideal Day

Over the last few episodes, we’ve been going through exercises outlined in the Strategic Life Planning Mastery Workbook. In episode 79, you took your first step towards aligned living. Then you identified the things you really want in life, put a BIG dream down on paper, and identified your personal zone of genius. Today, we’re going to zoom in and figure out what your ideal day...

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81. Let's Define Your Zone of Genius Today!

In episode 80 on Your Badass Journey Podcast, I asked you to dream as big as possible about your future and walked you through an exercise designed to help you identify your goals then prioritize them.

In this episode, you’re going to learn how to step into action on a path that is aligned with your highest-priority goals.

And we aren’t just talking about the goals for your...

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80. Do You Know What You Really Want? It Matters.

In the last episode, I shared some tools and tips that will help you take the first step towards self-mastery. If you haven’t listened already, I recommend checking it out before listening to this one because we’ll be continuing our conversation about aligned living.

In this episode, I’ll be introducing you to another foundational principle of aligned living: DREAMING...

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79. Let's Talk Self-Mastery - First Step to Aligned Living

Your Badass Journey is back! I took a few months off to do some inner work, and oh boy do I have a lot to share with all of you. The show will now have an even greater emphasis on two things: awesome, actionable advice that you can put into action immediately after listening + YOU! I want to be addressing your specific needs, answering the questions you have, and walking alongside you on Your...

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A simple practice to help you CRUSH uncertainty in minutes

My favorite mindset hack is to lean into what fills you up first thing in your day before doing anything you are obligated to do. It helps you move your energy from surviving to thriving! Since I am all about crushing uncertainty to assist you during this time as you navigate managing through the Covid-19 crisis, I wanted to share a simple exercise on how you can jump back in control of your...

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Staying Grounded During a Time of Uncertainty

We are in an interesting time where you can feel completely un-tethered, out of control, or even in shock by the abrupt measures we must take today to stay clear of the Coronavirus and keep each other safe. It is a lot to handle on your own, and even though we are sent into a bit of isolation to protect ourselves and each other, I am grateful for modalities like this that allow us to connect...

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Fact: Who you hire could accelerate or deflate your business goals.

Ever look around at who is next to you in awe that you get to work with this person?!! Excitement that they are willing to share their gifts and you share yours and together the impact will be even greater? When was the last time you felt your heart racing because you were so invested in the moment that all you could say was, more please!!

That is aligned business energy at its core!...

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Mastery is ignited by a dreaded word: REPETITION

As we kick off 2020, we are all thinking, what will happen this year that will allow me to step deeper into the life I dream of and actually make it my reality? At least if you are a conscious forward thinking person, these are your initial thoughts. It may have been just a spark, but I know for sure it is in there, because each new year we are met with the reminder to create a new resolution...

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