Over the last few episodes, we’ve been going through exercises outlined in the Strategic Life Planning Mastery Workbook. In episode 79, you took your first step towards aligned living. Then you identified the things you really want in life, put a BIG dream down on paper, and identified your personal zone of genius. Today, we’re going to zoom in and figure out what your ideal day looks like.
This is an incredible model that anyone can follow to dream big, make a plan, jump into action, and step forward with clarity. It’s served me really well over the years, and I know it’ll help you too if you follow the model. You can get your SLP Mastery Workbook at www.kareenwalsh.com/slpmastery.
When we’re looking at your day through this model, we’re looking at how you’re showing up in the world, your daily routine, the activities you do most, who you’re connecting with, and who you are serving. This exercise focuses on What you want and Why because we can always work backwards to figure out the How later (and we will in the next episode).
How to Design Your Ideal Day
Now, let’s turn this into a conversation!
Text message Kareen at 917-540-5782 to get your direct questions regarding the content of the podcast answered.
Take a screenshot of your phone while you’re listening, share it on Insta with your biggest takeaway, and tag me: @kareenzwalsh or @yourbadassjourneypodcast. And if you have any questions about what we discuss in this episode or a problem you’re currently experiencing, I want you to slide into those DMs or send an email to [email protected] so that I can answer it on a future episode.
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