81. Let's Define Your Zone of Genius Today!

In episode 80 on Your Badass Journey Podcast, I asked you to dream as big as possible about your future and walked you through an exercise designed to help you identify your goals then prioritize them.

In this episode, you’re going to learn how to step into action on a path that is aligned with your highest-priority goals.

And we aren’t just talking about the goals for your business. We are talking about the vision of your ultimate life, the life you imagine for your family, the impact you dream of creating in the world, and the steps you can take to make it a reality.

I don’t want to trick you, though. This process isn’t easy. You’re going to feel uncomfortable at times. And if you try to go it alone, it’s going to be 100x harder. That’s why I’m sharing these principles and these exercises with you — the principles of aligned living are designed to help you create structures and systems that will support you along a difficult and badass journey.

Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. Anyone can achieve the life they dream of — if they commit to self-mastery first.

How to Identify Your Zone of Genius

  • Pull out the prioritized list of goals that you created after listening to the last episode. And if you don’t have that yet, set aside ten minutes to do the exercise. Bonus points if you schedule it as time with your family or the people who matter most to you.
  • Now, sit and consider the answers to these questions:
    • What fills you up the most?
    • What are you so good at that you get excited and geek out when you get to do it?
    • What do you anticipate doing every single day?
  • Write down everything you think of! No matter how big or small, list every action you take that fills you with joy, excitement, or energy, no matter how often you currently do it.
  • This isn’t just things you’re good at — it’s things you’re good at AND love doing. The energy of what lights you up is what we’re trying to find.
  • Next to each item on your fulfillment list, write down WHY that action excites you. And really journal on it, really assess how that action makes you feel.
  • Now, identify any items on your fulfilling actions list that directly contribute to the goals at the top of your dream list, drive revenue, or help you develop deeper relationships.
  • That place where the actions you’re already taking and loving align with what you truly want is in your zone of genius.

Now, let’s turn this into a conversation! 

Text message Kareen at 917-540-5782 to get your direct questions regarding the content of the podcast answered. 

Take a screenshot of your phone while you’re listening, share it on Insta with your biggest takeaway, and tag me: @kareenzwalsh or @yourbadassjourneypodcast. If this has any impact on you, I want to hear it, I want to celebrate you, and I want to walk alongside you.

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