Your Badass Journey Guest, Steven Sterns

Steven Sterns is currently in charge of cyber security for eBay, but we actually used to work together about 20 years ago, at the beginning of our careers! And I had to have him on the show because I’ve seen him growing as a person and a leader, and what he’s doing to cultivate the culture in his team at eBay is pretty remarkable. Steven has really developed a unique perspective...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Regina Lawrence

Over the past few years, Regina Lawrence has undergone some radical transformations, leaving both a job and relationship that didn’t serve her and moving halfway across the country to start a new life. She’s feeling more aligned than ever, surrounding herself in a badass tribe of women, and dating again for the first time in a decade.

In the process, she also developed a methodology...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Miss Jordan

Today I’m honored to bring you the story of Miss Jordan Lewis, or Miss Jordan. She is a spiritual awakening and women’s empowerment consultant and founder of The Unicorn Way, a company that helps people world-wide identify the truth of their soul and live from that space. Her infectious energy can be felt immediately by those willing to let the light in and experience life...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Natalie Rodgers

Today I’m talking to a 24-year-old entrepreneur who impressed me so much I just had to share her with all of you. She started her first business when she was 18, a sports coaching business for kids, and fell head-over-heels in love with entrepreneurship. She’s since launched a second business, The Klassy Network, a brand empowering ambitious women to create a life that they love...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Scott Aaron

Scott Aaron is an internationally-acclaimed and award-winning network marketer, business coach, author, and speaker. He’s had quite a journey, but his most recent venture involves productizing a system for converting traffic on LinkedIn so that he can help others who just want to extend their reach and create solid business relationships, solid clients, and an authentic way of marketing...

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Kareen's Summer Reading List

As an author, I definitely don't read enough. This summer's challenge is to plow through a few books and share the journey and learning with all of you. I just finished reading my first book in a long while. The Third Door by Alex Banayan was gifted to me by Chris Harder in our last mastermind meeting. I got to meet and speak with Alex directly and was so curious about his adventure hacking...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Lindsay Alive

Today our guest is Lindsay Alive, who is the founder of Alive + Awake and a well-known leadership and executive coach. She goes into organizations and transforms their ability to perform by leveraging all of the modalities in her toolbelt: as a coach, a yoga instructor, and a writer. 

She's just one of those people you need to know if you're looking for ways to truly dial in who you are...

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Your Badass Journey Guests, beckie+martina

We all go through these stages when we have outgrown what we’re doing and want to go to that next level – and, as you probably know, I'm all about the up-level. Well, one thing that people often ignore or overlook when they’re going through a transition is their wardrobe!

So, I had to talk to Beckie Klein and Martina Gordon, who have been the top personal styling team New...

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Your Badass Journey Guest, Rob Murgatroyd

I am so excited to introduce you all to Rob Murgatroyd today!

Rob recently let go of his career as a chiropractor to begin truly focusing on creating play for top-level entrepreneurs and business leaders who are just hyper-focused on doing the do because they love it so much, but really need to integrate play into their busy lives. Because when we play, we create a space of innovation, we...

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Your Badass Journey Guests, Kate Huber & Josh Ferry

Josh Ferry and Kate Huber are both life partners and business partners, working together to both build a life in the city of Buffalo and grow the company CloudInsyte. I love this conversation so much because we dive in to how to lead as partners; how to build a business as conscious, heart-centered leaders; as well as the importance of solving big problems and impacting your community.


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