155. Navigating Trauma in the Present Past

When we deal with trauma at a young age, it often shows up throughout our lives in ways we can’t immediately recognize. 

In our last episode with Natasha Dewhirst, she asked about how to translate what she’s trying to offer to attract her ideal clients. This question ended up leading to a discussion of how to manage through trauma and having consciousness around where trauma...

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154. Healing from Trauma, Leaning into Fulfillment | with Natasha C Dewhirst

Natasha Dewhirst is an advanced rapid transformational therapist, clinical hypnotherapist, and ILM-accredited wellbeing coach specializing in burnout prevention. She loves to assist women in checking in with themselves as they try to take on the world.

Through her own burnout journey, Natasha ended up in a wheelchair for nearly three years — until she began to do the inner work, solve...

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146. Aligning Your Energy | with Miranda Mitchell

When you’re trying to optimize or transform your business, where do you start? The answer actually isn’t in your business at all — it’s in who you are. Because if you don’t understand what your greatest strengths and weaknesses are, you’re not going to be able to lean into your superpower.

There are a lot of ways to learn about yourself, but I’ve found...

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142. Reconnecting to Yourself with Lauren Donahue

Lauren Donahue is an expert in health, wellness, and mind-body connection. She developed a 9-step process to help individuals disconnect to reconnect back to their true self—a process she learned from living in a cave for almost 60 days. This brought about an awakening of who she is, who she wants to help, and how to help others connect to themselves.

We don’t always know that we...

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