Building Deeper Connections

As I share these amazing conversations I have had on my podcast, I am in awe of these women I have interviewed so far. They are all coming into their own and sharing so much of themselves in what they do and aiming for alignment and authenticity in everything they do, I am honored to be a part of their badass journey. One topic that has come up in a few of the conversations excites me to share...

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3 Steps to Increase Daily Fulfillment

The struggle is real!

How many of you think you don’t have enough time to do the things you really want? At the end of the day do you feel defeated like there’s another day that just passed me by?

Do any of you feel stuck in a routine that does not serve you and numbs the mind??

Let me help you snap out of it! If this is you on most days where you are living for Friday and dread...

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How Do I?

As I work on the outline of my next book focusing on leadership and entrepreneurial endeavors, I reviewed my clients' initiatives and accomplishments to date and then paused to ask myself a couple of questions. "Why did they come to me in the first place? What was the question(s) that they initially were asking? Is there a common thread in each case that brought them to my team and I to assist...

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Your focus guides everything.

Ever hear the saying, "What you focus on, you find"? I first heard this said at a Tony Robbins event, and then again from one of his coaches in another program and it completely resonates with me.

Focus is such a powerful tool that guides your life. Sometimes it's hard to decide what to focus on. Sometimes our lives are so busy with noise, critical thoughts, judgment, and business, that our...

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Effective Leadership: Take A Pause.

I have been coaching a new CEO of a startup that asked for guidance on how he could better manage his reactive energy that tends to drain him and bring him down when he is met with adversity or disagreements in the workplace. We conducted a leadership assessment that I leverage to get the feedback from others and had him do a self-evaluation to gather some evidence on how he is perceived by...

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Are you hungry enough?

This quote from Steve Jobs is so perfect for the topic I want to discuss: Stay hungry. Stay Foolish. I have been thinking about the word hunger a lot and how it serves us, drives us, and is an amazing trigger for assessing what we really want. 

In the context of weight loss, which I am way to familiar with the yoyo affects of focusing on weight management, one common denominator...

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Work-Life Balance is a Fancy Word for "Trade Off"

I used to strive for work-life balance. It was a term that was introduced into the workforce in the late 70's, early 80's, to help companies focus on how they could create a corporate culture that would consider family life for employees and have "after work hours" available to connect with those they love.  As technology has allowed us to manage our lives from our phones, and these days...

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5 Meeting Management Tips to Avoid the Slow Death of Your Company

Organizing your time and how efficiently you use it, is the best skill to master as an intrapreneur/entrepreneur. As you start to build and grow your team to delivery your products and services and support your clients, it is so important to make sure everyone is disciplined on how time is spent across all the multi-functional facets of their job.

Meetings tend to creep up and take over...

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The Art of Building Your Tribe

A few weeks ago, I attended The Bliss Project by Lori Harder and had an amazing personal opening that I want to dialogue with you on: Building a tribe.

Each of us, no matter how far back we choose to look into our ancestors came from a tribe. The way each tribe shows up in life may be different but the foundation is the same: a place you are connected, contribute,...

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The Value of Anger

I truly did not understand the emotion we describe as anger, until a few years ago.  I had no idea, that I swayed more towards hurt, than anger, because I felt that if I got angry, I would be "hurting" the other person as much as they were "hurting" me. I would carry the burden of hurt, and would not express what I truly felt which was angry. I learned to embrace my moments of anger and...

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