Most people don't realize they are burned out until something detrimental happens. They get fired, they end of in the ER, or even worse, become someone they don't even recognize.
Are you feeling: Overwhelm. Fatigue. Loss of Desire. Grouchy. Avoidance. Heightened Emotions. Loss of sleep. Disconnected.
If these are common daily sensations you have, they are signs that you are on...
On a recent Q&A call with my B.I.T. group, the topic of how to breakthrough overwhelm came up. Often we come to a place of overwhelm, and it brings us to a complete halt. Worse, it can make us want to give up. I shared then, and wanted to share again now with you, three tips to overcoming overwhelm and getting back into state of being that is productive and fulfilling.
3 Tips to...
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