Wendy Heilbut is an attorney and angel investor whose legal expertise bridges the gap between traditional law and innovative growth. In addition to advising early stage companies, she is a leader in managing domestic and international trademark portfolios, cross-border trademark strategies, and the intellectual property direction for innovative companies large and small.
The work that Wendy does with Jayaram Law is absolutely beautiful. She really helps bring out the innovative vision of new founders, mostly female founders, and helps them drive action towards the capital that they need and in order to invest in their companies. She also makes sure that they're set up properly so that there isn't rework later, which is super important for startups.
If you're like me at all, then thinking about the legal side of life and business can feel daunting – but what I love about today's conversation with Wendy is that she is able to bring light and life into this part of the world! We also dig into a little bit of how we integrate life and business to create that badass world that you and I both love to live in.
Creating a “White-Shoe” Firm & Becoming an Advocate for Female Founders
Wendy didn’t start her legal career intending to find a niche support female entrepreneurs. “It was just sort of luck,” she says.
But it was more than just luck – a combination of her interest in the technology space, her interest in getting into angel investing, her interest in this early growth space, and her background in intellectual property made Wendy the perfect fit. On top of that, Wendy noticed that there weren’t a lot of women in a lot of these spaces – on the legal side or the startup side – and she wanted to change that.
Now, Wendy loves being able to be an advocate for these early stage companies, and a lot of them really need it. Not because these women can’t do it, but because rarely does anyone take the time to share the resources, strategies, or mindsets necessary to get through over the growing pains of a startup.
The Future
Although Wendy’s firm is going growing, they want to maintain being a bit different; a startup vibe in a very old-school space. “We try to present ourselves to our clients as lean, and mean, and ready to pivot, and operating kind of like a startup... We use a lot of innovative technology ourselves. It helps us move quicker and less expensively than, perhaps, some of the other firms.”
And that doesn’t mean moving away from the female founder niche – that means continuing to help it grow until it’s not a niche anymore.
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