Leverage the methods, toolkit, books, and programs that helped me stay in action towards the impact I have made in my life, business, and with my clients.

Ready to get unstuck? Start here!

All my clients initiate their journey with me by leveraging the 4 key tools I use in my coaching practice. These tools are outlined in the programs and books below to help you bust through uncertainty and know for sure what the next best step is to take. You are going to love how easy it is to implement once you get these foundational tools under added to your growth focused tool belt. 


Clarity on Your Vision

Your step is to get super clear on your vision for your life and define the impact you want to have living it. Download the Strategic Life Planning (SLP) Mastery workbook and gain access to the key questions I ask to help my clients fully define their Ultimate Vision. If we don't know the destination, we can not build the route to help you get there. Clearly defining your Ultimate Vision is the first step to achieving the life of impact you want. 

Download SLP Workbook


Build A Strategic Plan

Once you have clarity on your vision, who you need to become to make it happen, and who do you need to surround yourself with as support to execute against your strategy is what you outline next. These are the fundamentals for accelerating your growth. I designed the SLP Accelerator Program to guide you through the SLP workbook, and remove all blockers from getting the clarity you are looking for. This program gives you the guidance and prompts to learn the SLP toolkit and help you jump into action in only 5 days!

Let me guide you to define your Ultimate Vision, and leverage my goal setting and action planning methods to achieve it! 

Get Access to this program FOR FREE!

SLP Accelerator Program


Stay in Aligned Action

My most favorite tool to quickly identify what aligned actions to take next, is the Retrospective Exercise. These 4 steps in this exercise help you assess how you are doing against your chartered path and give you the time and space to determine what to add to make it even better, easier, more aligned with what you truly want to achieve.  I recommend you leverage this FREE tool every 30 days to ensure you are on course to achieve your Ultimate Vision. 

Retrospective Exercise

"Working with Kareen transformed how we lead and own our business. Being part of her immersive program, we were able to quickly identify changes to make as partners in life and business and have scaled with ease to where we are today."

Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell, Online Pilates Classes (OPC)

Don't want to do it alone anymore? 

I designed the Hey Kareen™ platform for goal-getters like yourself that are excited about their Ultimate Vision, and no longer want to go after it all alone. If you have gone through the baseline lessons of SLP Mastery, and now want to stay in aligned action with on-demand guidance from me, join Hey Kareen™ and let's start getting you the support you need while you are in action! It's my favorite way to support you and connect you with others in my community. 

Ready to master your leadership skills?!

Lead with Value contains the exercises and methods I use in my Executive and Leadership Coaching practice where I help C-Suite leaders build cohesive and collaborative teams and better communicate their leadership stance in it all. I found that once I started to feel more comfortable personally, I wanted to lead others more gracefully. This book will help you understand your core values, the values of the business you are building, and how to motivate others to join you on your mission. Your business is 100% a reflection on how you lead it!

"Working with Kareen helped me unblock my inner critique and lead with confidence. I have since built two 7 figure businesses and continue to lean into guidance from Kareen when I want to cross another threshold. I am so grateful for the work we have done together. 

Michelle Johnson, The Anchor Group

It's time to bring out your inner Badass!

As I initiated my career and started to work on my mindset around building the life I truly wanted, I found a lot of people would call me Badass when they heard my accomplishments at such a young age, and also wanted to learn more about how I achieved it. That is the basis of my BE A BADASS, Six Tools to Up-Level Your Life book and BAB Online Program, it is to share the tools I use and share my journey on how I got through the challenging times to better myself along the way. Can't wait to see your inner Badass shine!

Grab a Copy of my BE A BADASS, Six Tools to Up-Level Your Life book and start leveraging the tools that helped shape my life and career today. 

Be A Badass Book

Online Program 

Are you ready to create your BADASS LIFE?

Remove the thoughts of should have, could have, wish I, or regret from your vocabulary and get into action towards the life you want! We all need help up-leveling. Whether it is from a leader at your firm, an influencer in your network, a colleague who is crushing it at what they do, you see it and say, “that’s BADASS!” followed with, I WANT TO BE A BADASS!

Be A Badass Online Program

Career Boost 5 Day Challenge Program Offer

Are you ready for a boost in your Career??

Notice how I did not say JOB, I said career for a reason. If you are feeling stuck and unsure how to get into action towards the career life you dream of, this is a great way to get into action! Register to get access to my FREE online program BADASS Career Boost to up-level your skills in making sure that you charter your career after something that is fulfilling, not just a repeat of what you have right now!

Badass Career Boost
Hey there!


Read my story  ā˛¯

Kareen Zahr Walsh is a visionary business and people strategist, author, podcaster, investor, and a 7-figure business building entrepreneur making her the ultimate Business Healer.

With nearly 2 decades of experience optimizing performance in the health & wellness, eCommerce, technology, and finance industries, running top performing teams in complex environments, Kareen has a proven track record of helping C-Suite executives turn their vision of impact into action often resulting in 10Xing their investment. She’s worked with trillion-dollar businesses including Black Rock and Broadridge to execute their strategic initiatives, as well as helping startups like Pure Vitality and Drip Hydration build growth strategies to scale. As both a strategist and investor, Kareen can see both sides of business, and understands that optimal leadership for sustainable growth is at the intersection of people, process, and technology.

When you hire Kareen, she is all up in your business, getting under the hood of operations, focusing on where you’re fractured, helping you "Whole Up" to transform misaligned actions, overcome workplace trauma, and build transparent communication around a common goal. She achieves this by aligning strategies with values and integrating conscious leadership, incorporating practices such as breathwork and holistic health for sustainable growth and a humanized workplace. With her mastery in mindset management, Kareen guides clients towards exceptional personal and professional growth. You can’t lead when you’re depleted and uninspired. Kareen is on a mission to help you integrate your inner business with your vision for external impact so you can get out of your own way and stand in alignment.

If you would like to engage with Kareen 1:1, please check out my coaching offers. 

Connect with Kareen

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